
Yahoo! News: Elections


Yahoo! News: Elections

Senate kicks off debate over US-Russia arms treaty (AP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 05:06 PM PST

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., accompanied by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., gestures during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2010, to discuss the ratification of the New Start Treaty. (AP Photo)AP - Senate Democrats secured the backing of a significant number of Republicans in a crucial test vote Wednesday on a new U.S.-Russia arms control treaty — President Barack Obama's top foreign policy priority.

Biden hands Obama get-well letter to Saudi king's family (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 05:00 PM PST

Reuters - Vice President Joe Biden visited the New York hospital where Saudi King Abdullah is recuperating from surgery on Thursday and delivered a letter from President Barack Obama wishing him a speedy recovery, the White House said.

Obama, on eve of review, cites Afghan war progress (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 04:41 PM PST

Reuters - President Barack Obama, on the eve of releasing a major review of his Afghanistan policy, told lawmakers on Wednesday his war strategy was yielding gradual progress and U.S.-led forces would stick with his approach.

Obama praises House vote to end military gay ban (AP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 04:20 PM PST

AP - President Barack Obama is praising the House for passing legislation to end the Pentagon policy that bans gays from serving openly in the military.

Cutting Haiti aid would be a mistake: Bill Clinton (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 04:02 PM PST

Reuters - It would be a mistake to suspend earthquake reconstruction aid to Haiti, despite concerns about recent election irregularities, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Wednesday.

Obama signs bill to delay Medicare doctor pay cuts (AP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 03:53 PM PST

AP - President Barack Obama has signed into law legislation that delays for one year a cut in Medicare pay to doctors.

Obama signs bill to mute TV commercials (AP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 03:45 PM PST

AP - President Barack Obama has signed legislation to prevent advertisers from abruptly raising the volume of TV commercials louder than regular programming.

Senate Moves on from Tax Cuts, Begins Work on Government Funding (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 03:21 PM PST

ContributorNetwork - ANALYSIS | Dec. 15 saw the Senate eagerly pass the President Obama-brokered tax cut deal by a wide margin. In a vote of 81-19 Senators voted to keep Bush-era tax cuts the same for two years, extend unemployment benefits for another year and reduce Social Security payroll taxes. The move hopes to put more money in the pockets of Americans to jump start spending in the consumer-based economy. Obama stated the House should pass the $858 billion measure without any alterations so it heads to the president's desk without delay.

NJ Governor Chris Christie supports tax deal (Daily Caller)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 03:16 PM PST

Daily Caller - Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie supports the tax deal reached by President Obama and congressional Republicans, a spokesperson says.

Obama courts business to spur hiring (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 03:07 PM PST

Reuters - President Barack Obama, trying to improve strained relations with the corporate world, prodded American CEOs on Wednesday to spend more of big business's estimated $2 trillion cash hoard to boost U.S. hiring and the economy.

Obama administration sues BP, others over Gulf spill (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 02:58 PM PST

Reuters - The Obama administration on Wednesday launched a legal battle against BP Plc and its partners by suing them for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, which could cost the companies billions of dollars.

Health mandate cases to loom over 2012 Romney run (AP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 01:12 PM PST

AP - Republican Mitt Romney is finding it hard to avoid comparisons between the Massachusetts health insurance mandate he signed into law and the federal version enacted by President Barack Obama as he weighs another presidential run.

Norm Coleman: I’m not running for chairman (Daily Caller)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 10:37 AM PST

Daily Caller - Former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman says he still stands by his promise not to challenge Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele for re-election.

Senate passes Obama's $858 billion tax-cut plan (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 02:20 PM PST

President Barack Obama makes a statement about the senate vote on middle class tax cuts in the Brady Press Briefing room of the White House in Washington, December 13, 2010. REUTERS/Jason ReedReuters - A deal that President Barack Obama struck with Republicans to extend tax cuts for nearly every working American and spur job growth sailed through the Senate on Wednesday.

President Obama to Review Afghanistan Plan Thursday (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 09:54 AM PST

US army soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division Alpha Battery 1-320th take cover during a patrol in Afghanistan in September 2010. US intelligence agencies believe the US-led war effort in Afghanistan could be doomed unless Pakistan cracks down on militant sanctuaries inside its border, the Los Angles Times and New York Times reported Wednesday.(AFP/File/Patrick Baz)ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | There's an element of cognitive-dissonance in the conduct of the Afghan war. The troops have fought the war with determination and grit while many of the politicians at home have behaved like—well, politicians.

Obama seeks new tone with big business (AFP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 01:13 PM PST

US President Barack Obama walks out of the White House to hold a working meeting at the Blair House with business leaders to discuss ways to continue to work together grow the economy, create jobs in the private sector, and invest in American innovation and competitiveness.(AFP/Jewel Samad)AFP - US President Barack Obama on Wednesday took steps to ease an atmosphere of confrontation with big business, wooing corporate chief executives in a bid to unleash a hiring spree to battle high unemployment.

ICC names suspects in Kenya's killing spree (AFP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

Kenyan Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is seen in this 2002 photo. The International Criminal Court has accused six Kenyans, including Kenyatta -- the son of the nation's founder Jomo Kenyatta -- of masterminding the 2007-08 post-election violence that claimed 1,500 lives. Kenyatta has proclaimed his innocence(AFP/File/Pedro Ugarte)AFP - The International Criminal Court Wednesday accused six Kenyans, among them the son of the nation's founder Jomo Kenyatta, of masterminding the 2007-8 post-election violence that claimed 1,500 lives.

Kenya ICC suspects proclaim innocence (AFP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 07:27 AM PST

Kenyan Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is seen in this 2002 photo. The International Criminal Court has accused six Kenyans, including Kenyatta -- the son of the nation's founder Jomo Kenyatta -- of masterminding the 2007-08 post-election violence that claimed 1,500 lives. Kenyatta has proclaimed his innocence(AFP/File/Pedro Ugarte)AFP - Prominent Kenyans named by the International Criminal Court as masterminds of the 2007-8 post-election violence proclaimed their innocence Wednesday but the move gave some victims hope that justice would be done.

Analysis: No turning point yet in Obama relations with business (Reuters)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 07:19 AM PST

Reuters - U.S. businesses are heartened by President Barack Obama's push to extend Bush-era tax cuts, but they are not ready to declare a breakthrough in an often-tense relationship with the White House.

Obama urges Kenya to work with ICC inquiry (AFP)

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 06:25 AM PST

US President Barack Obama Wednesday called on all Kenyans to cooperate with an International Criminal Court investigation into the violence triggered after contested elections there three years ago that left more than 1,500 people dead.(AFP/File/Jewel Samad)AFP - US President Barack Obama Wednesday called on all Kenyans to cooperate with an International Criminal Court investigation into the violence triggered after contested elections there three years ago that left more than 1,500 people dead.
