
Chilean president hails positive second-quarter growth

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Tuesday expressed delight over her country's 4.3-percent second-quarter economic growth.
"Some weeks ago, I heard some excessive alarmist and even pessimistic voices about ... our economy. Some people talked about crisis," Bachelet said.
"The Central Bank said yesterday the economy increased by 4.3 percent during the second quarter, more than the 3.3-percent growth in the first quarter and much better than expected," Bachelet said.
The growth is in comparison to the same period last year.
Bachelet made the remarks during a visit to the Huachipato Ironand Steel Company, 140 km from the capital city Santiago, to attend the launching ceremony of a modern lamination plant.
The president praised the country's over-all economic performance by saying that "we are stronger than in the past and the investment is healthier."

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